Marriage, personality, and Integrity
Many of us are married to partners who have a significant, high relationship, a clear attachment to planning and achieving results.
Your partner tends to pay attention to knowing as much as possible beforehand, such that they can produce their and your intended results by the time declared.
They prefer to get things done as soon as possible to get them out of the way so that they can move on to the next phases of your and their plans.
They feel relaxed, at peace, and loved by a partner they know they can rely upon.
They become irritated and upset when they can not rely upon their partner’s word.
Integrity in marriage has a high premium.
The following is a working definition of integrity in relationships and marriages.
Three phases to live a life of integrity.
1) Be one’s word
2) Honor one’s word.
3) Restore one’s word.
Be one’s word:
Doing what you said you would do, by the time you said you would do it, as it was intended to be done by yourself and by others.
Honor one’s word:
As soon as you are aware that you will not be your word, getting into communication with all those who are anticipating the fulfillment of your word, letting them know that you will not fulfill your word.
Restore your word:
Repromising your word, declaring by when your new word will be fulfilled.
Rinse and repeat.
Calendars, shared, are necessary.
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