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Upgrade your insights, communication, and relationship skills at Marriage And Communication Coaching In Tucson, AZ
Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the heart of what makes relationships work—communication. Here, you’ll find expert insights, practical advice, and thoughtful reflections designed to help you navigate and enhance your personal and professional relationships. Whether you’re seeking guidance for marital harmony, aiming to bridge gaps between parents and teens, or looking to foster better dialogue within your community or workplace, our posts are tailored to provide valuable support and information. Join us as we explore the complexities of connection and discover the tools needed to build stronger, more resilient bonds.
Anger needs no management
When we recognize that anger is a symptom, not a cause. We can then ask “What is our anger a symptom of?” Anger arises when there’s a gap between what you want and what you have. It is hell living in the gap. Anger costs you your intelligence, your flexibility, your creativity, your freedom, your […]
Read MoreTwo magical words to facilitate effective communication
Two magical words to facilitate effective communication. We get to start our sentences with “Yes” and.” “Yes,” plus an “And” reliably opens up lines of connection and communication. There are four immediate benefits. Someone says something to you. You respond with “Yes and.”“Yes, and tell me more.” “Yes, and when’s a good time for us […]
Read MoreRecipe for domestic harmony
Recipe for domestic harmony. The following is a recipe for peace, establishing connection with mutual honor and respect, offering access to effective interpersonal relationships, communication, peace, and domestic harmony. The power and magic of “Yes and.” A sentence that begins with “Yes, and” is far stronger than the same sentence without “Yes, and.” In just […]
Read MoreThe Power of Commerce and Communication
The Power of Commerce and Communication Productivity, profitability, performance, career satisfaction, employee retention, and corporation morale – all thrive when interpersonal relationships and communication skills are practiced at every level in any organization. As company morale, job, and career satisfaction rise, stress fades, turnover shrinks, and employee health-related issues all fade. It is tragically expensive […]
Read MoreBlessings, Love, and Transformation
Blessings, Love, and Transformation Blessings require an acknowledgment to be complete and for the grace energy of blessing to be received and experienced. Responding with “Bless you” when we hear someone sneeze is like this. We can feel something is missing when we do not thank someone for their blessing. It’s as if there is […]
Read MoreWe don’t “Have to” live. We, you and I, “Get to live.”
We don’t “Have to” live. We, you and I, “Get to live.” I invite us to consider the phrases “Need to,” “Have to,” like “Must,” and “Should” all occur in the world of obligation and life given by circumstances. There’s a concealed “or else.” “I have to. I need to. I should go shopping.” Alternatively, […]
Read MoreThe Power of “Yes, and.”
The Power of “Yes, and.” Any sentence that begins with “Yes and” is stronger than the same sentence without “Yes and.” “Yes and” indicates that: I have heard and received what you have said. We’ve moved from reacting to responding Communication continues. Feel the difference when we say: “Let’s talk.” as compared with “Yes and […]
Read MoreAccessing the Power of”Thank you” and “You’re welcome.”
Accessing the Power of “Thank you” and “You’re welcome.” We maximize the benefits of their or our “Thank you” when we say “You’re welcome.” This may seem peculiar. I learned this while watching couples as I coached them to express gratitude, acknowledgment, and appreciation. The energy, smiles, and connection were established, and even giggles manifested—only […]
Read MoreHuman nature, blessing, love, and transformation
Human nature, blessing, love, and transformation All blessings require acknowledgment to be complete and for the grace energy of blessing to be transferred and experienced. Responding with “Bless you” when we hear someone sneezes is like this. When we do not thank someone for their blessing when we’ve sneezed, presences an incomplete life-loop. It’s almost […]
Read MoreMarriage, Personality, and Integrity
Marriage, personality, and Integrity Many of us are married to partners who have a significant, high relationship, a clear attachment to planning and achieving results. Your partner tends to pay attention to knowing as much as possible beforehand, such that they can produce their and your intended results by the time declared. They prefer to […]
Read MoreFour elements that will sink any relationship or marriage
Four elements that will sink any relationship or marriage: 1) Poor communication and interpersonal relationship skills.2) Lack of awareness of each other’s Love Languages and how to speak them.3) Lack of awareness of personality differences, challenges, and opportunities.4) Behavioral distortions left over from childhood experiences and previous relationships. At Marriage and Communication Coaching, we resolve […]
Read MoreInfidelity: Why and How
Infidelity: Why and How It’s hard to think when infidelity darkens your marriage. You feel deeply betrayed. Trust is broken, and forgiveness seems impossible. I offer that infidelity is a symptom, not a cause. Then, the relevant question then is “a symptom of what?” At Marriage and Communication,We do the work to uncover the answers. […]
Read MoreGuilt or Accountability? Shame or Responsibility? Are not life sentences. We have a choice
Guilt or Accountability? Shame or Responsibility? Are not life sentences. We have a choice Martin Heidegger is quoted as saying, “Language is the House of Being..” We have a choice of which House of Being gives us Being. We get to move to an address that offers us access to new life. When we’ve moved […]
Read MoreWhen is it best to say, “I’m sorry?” Or is it best to say “I apologize?”
When is it best to say, “I’m sorry?” Or is it best to say “I apologize?” Degrees of relatedness are important. When one is at a funeral with a lower degree of relatedness, expressing “I am sorry for your loss” is an appropriate expression of empathy for their loss. Apology is critical to the future […]
Read MoreWhere does cheating and infidelity come from?
Where does cheating and infidelity come from? It is useful to consider that cheating is a symptom, not a cause. Then the question becomes “a symptom of what?” As a Marriage and Communication Coach, there are four sources of cheating and infidelity: 1. Lack of effective communication and relationship skills. 2. Lack of self and […]
Read MoreMarriage and Integrity
Marriages and integrity Many of us are married to partners who have a significant, high relationship to planning and results. Your partner tends to pay attention to knowing as much as possible beforehand, such that they can produce their and your intended results by the time declared. They prefer to get things done as soon […]
Read MoreMarriages without communication and relationship skills
Marriages without communication and relationship skills. What occurs to marriages when the individuals within marriages simply don’t know how to communicate effectively? They’ve never been exposed to good communication and relationship skills. Social media, television programming, books, and movies rarely provide good quality relationship guidance. Their awareness of relationship skills comes from what their parents […]
Read MoreCalling all parents!
Calling all parents! Our goal is to live as a “Get to” parent who, by living a “Get to” life. raises “Get to” children who become “Get to” adults. Many of us live lives of obligation driven by an “or else” relationship with our circumstances. We have to, “or else,” we need to, “or else,” […]
Read MoreHow to keep your marriage and family “Bubble” thriving, vital, and alive
How to keep your marriage and family “Bubble” thriving, vital, and alive Your marriage, you, your partner , and your children all exist within a unique marriage and family, “Bubble.” There are behaviors that DO belong to your marriage’s Bbubble: i.e., listening, sharing, expressing emotions, intimacy, safety, support, kindness, love, mutual honor, and respect. There […]
Read MoreThe power of “Yes, and.”
The power of “Yes, and.” Beginning our sentences with“Yes and” will make the differencein any communication. “Yes” indicates “I heard you.” We instantly shift from reacting to responding. “Yes, and” provides us a moment to pause, engage our intelligence, reflect, and then choose our next words, determining the future of our relationship. “Yes, and…”At home: […]
Read MoreCan Marriages Be Restored And Divorce Prevented?
Can marriages be restored and divorce prevented? Yes. I routinely support couples who initially choose divorce out of a lack of relationship and communication skills. They chose divorce out of an imagined lack of options. Love is not enough. Lack of a mutual awareness of Love Languages, personality types, a legacy of distorting influences from […]
Read MoreWhat a difference an “E” makes!
What a difference an “E” makes! It seems to me that many of us tend to live lives of obligation, our lives given by“I have to. I need to. I should, I’ve got to. I must.”Everything we do, from the moment we get up in the morning until we go to sleep is because“We have […]
Read MoreHow Do We Evict Persistent Hurtful Memories?
How do we evict persistent hurtful memories? Many of us are plagued by memories of events in our past, from our childhood, and previous relationships. They tend to come up repeatedly. How do we retire and get free from our past?I invite us to consider that our memories are fabricated from a narrative (a story), […]
Read MoreHow Do We Free Ourselves From Our Past?
How do we free ourselves from our past? Memories are made from stories plus emotions. Our memories are held together by the emotions joined with what happened to us.The greater the emotions, the longer the shelf-life of the memory. As we release the emotions binding our memories together, the past loses its influence on our […]
Read MoreHow Do We Disappear Shame And Guilt?
How do we disappear Shame and Guilt? Shame and Guilt go away as soon as we switch the words, we have been using to experience our life and living.For example, we get to exchange Guilt for Accountability and Shame for Responsibility… Responsibility replaces Shame. Accountability replaces Guilt. Together Responsibility and Accountability allow us to take […]
Read MoreAdopt The Skills, Insights, And Best Practices To Enjoy A Loving Marriage Built Upon Trust, Mutual Honor, And Respect
Enjoy a satisfying fulfilling marriage that will grow to last a lifetime.
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