Recipe for domestic harmony.
The following is a recipe for peace, establishing connection with mutual honor and respect, offering access to effective interpersonal relationships, communication, peace, and domestic harmony.
The power and magic of “Yes and.”
A sentence that begins with “Yes, and” is far stronger than the same sentence without “Yes, and.”
In just two words, we’ve established a connection and communicated, “I’ve heard you.”
“Yes and” allows the speaker to pause, carefully choose their words, and influence the future of our relationship.
For example,
“Yes and when is a good time for us to talk?” “Yes, and I get your point of view. I’d like to hear more.” ” Yes, and how would this affect our finances?” And so forth.
In the space of just two words we’ve engaged our intelligence; we’ve moved from reacting to responding.
We need not go down the rabbit hole any longer than it takes to say, “Yes, and.”
“Yes and” can function as an emergency “fire extinguisher” when confronted with someone who has “anger management issues.”
When they come towards us with anger intending to express anger, at or around us, we have an opportunity to slow or even shut down the anger in about five. “Yeses.”
We don’t become defensive; we do not attempt to explain. (This only fuels their anger.) In the face of anger, we keep on “Yes-sing.”
Try it; you’ll like it.
I invite us to copy, paste, and freely share the magic of “Yes, and
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