1901 North Julius Stravenue, Tucson, AZ 85712

Relationship Compatibility Check-Up

What You Need to Know For A Successful Long-Term Relationship

Relationship Compatibility Check-Up

Consult With A Marriage And Communication Professional

We are not the same. Personalities and love languages can vary.

Become aware of the challenges and opportunities of a life that sings.

Common sense tells us to send your car to an auto mechanic to get it checked out before you purchase it.

Doesn’t it make sense to consult with a Marriage and Communication Professional as you move towards joining your lives together?

How Does It Work?

Within a sixty-to-ninety-minute session, you will understand:

  • Do we belong together?
  • Are we compatible?

As you look towards linking your lives for a lifetime:

  • What do we really know about one another?
  • What do we need to know about one another?
  • What are the opportunities and challenges before us as we look to create a family?

Learn what you need to know that will see you through to your 50th wedding anniversary.

Relationship Compatibility Check-Up

Introductory Session (2 hours)

  • Skills, insights, and best practices for a marriage that grows to last a life time

Individual Session

  • Skills, insights, and best practices for a marriage that grows to last a life time

Subsequent Sessions (90 minutes)

  • Skills, insights, and best practices for a marriage that grows to last a life time

5 Session Package

  • Skills, insights, and best practices for a marriage that grows to last a life time

Up to 10 Sessions Package

  • Provide long-term solutions for each couple
Adopt The Skills, Insights, And Best Practices To Enjoy A Loving Marriage Built Upon Trust, Mutual Honor, And Respect

Enjoy a satisfying fulfilling marriage that will grow to last a lifetime.
We promise to respond to you within 24hrs or less.

Set up your first Appointment

For the quickest response:

1) Contact Paul immediately by dialing 520-297-3085

2) Text Paul at 520-297-3085.

3) Click on the contact button below. Paul will get back to you within 24 hrs.