Guilt or Accountability? Shame or Responsibility? Are not life sentences. We have a choice
Martin Heidegger is quoted as saying, “Language is the House of Being..”
We have a choice of which House of Being gives us Being.
We get to move to an address that offers us access to new life.
When we’ve moved from life given by Guilt, Shame, Fault, and Blame, to living life given by Resonsibility and Accountability, our experience of life and living transforms.
The language we use to frame our life and living can be matter of changing the address of the House of Being we live in and from.
I invite us to move to an address that offers us access to more life.
A counselor can be useful, someone who will accompany us as we pack up, throw our old dysfunctional memes, and move to a new life, a new address and a new future.
I invite you to reach out to me when you are ready to (literally) move on.
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1) Contact Paul immediately by dialing 520-297-2085
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